Tag: Impressed

Jeffrey Eugenides – The Virgin Suicides | Review

Title: The Virgin Suicides

Author: Jeffrey Eugenides

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 250

Rating: 5/5

This book caught me off guard, because I wasn’t expecting it to be anywhere near as good as it actually was. I’d heard a few good things about Eugenides and I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen the movie based on this as well, although it was years ago and so I didn’t really remember it.

I’m glad of that, because for me, the real genius in this book is in the writing. Eugenides has this prose style that really just made me want to keep on devouring this book, and in a way it reminded me of Stoner by John Williams in the way that he could have been writing about literally anything and it would have still been a pleasure to read it.

I guess if I had to categorise it, I’d call this literary horror, and I think that’s a good thing. It might not be for everyone, and I’ve seen a lot of people particularly hating upon Middlesex because of the way he writes. Maybe he writes differently in that book, I don’t know.

All in all then, I was pretty impressed by this one and it’s already made me interested in seeing what else Eugenides has written. Although knowing my luck, it’ll turn out that he’s done something terrible and controversial and everyone will try to cancel me for enjoying his book. But it was good.

Learn more about The Virgin Suicides.

Haruki Murakami – The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Review

Title: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Author: Haruki Murakami

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 628

Rating: 4.5/5

I picked up this book as a buddy read with my friend Charlie, who’s also an excellent author in his own right. Buddy reads are almost always more fun than regular reads, but I think I would have still enjoyed this one regardless. That said, it did have at least one other impact because we read it three chapters a day instead of all in one go, and I think that helped me to take it a little more slowly and to savour it.

And there was plenty to savour here. Possibly one of my favourites was also the most brutal scene, in which someone got skinned alive with all the efficiency of someone peeling a peach. Murakami is a truly talented writer no matter what he’s writing about, which in this case meant that the whole scene was horrifically realistic, right down to the way that the man screamed.

I also like the sort of slight hallucinatory quality that the book has. It’s almost like a series of interrelated vignettes as opposed to a traditional novel, but it works really well and gives you something different as a reader that you might not have been expecting. I’ve read Murakami a bunch of times before of course, but he takes things in a slightly different direction here.

There’s almost something timeless about the storytelling here, and you have to give Murakami credit for that. Credit is also very much due to Jay Rubin too, who’s the translator here. I was stoked to see that when I picked it up because Rubin is my favourite Murakami translator. I was excited to see that right on the credits page, and the book just kept on getting better from there.

Another memorable series of scenes are those that took place at the bottom of wells. There was something deeply disturbing about those scenes, and you could really sense the claustrophobia. To be honest, it’s making me feel a little bit weird just thinking back to them.

What’s interesting about Murakami is that he has this knack of writing stories that are slow paced and meandering but which still definitely go somewhere. They’re the kind of books where it feels like anything can happen, and that’s what makes Murakami so readable. This here feels as though it might be his equivalent of The Stand, and there’s certain that kind of epic quality to it.

But perhaps it’s more like Cloud Atlas or something like that, because it all takes place in our own world and there are none of the supernatural hijinks that come along with Stephen King, who I guess is the closest I can think of to Murakami when it comes to making fictional characters seem realistic while writing about the darker sides of humanity.

To be honest, when I got started on this book, all I knew about it was that it was a Murakami novel and that Charlie wanted to read it. I think I had a slight subconscious knowledge of it being quite a popular one amongst Murakami fans, but that’s about it. I’m glad that the buddy read gave me the impetus to pick it up and to order a copy in rather than just waiting until I spotted it in a charity shop.

So would I recommend this one? Oh hell yeah, I was very impressed by it. It might be kind of long if you’re new to Murakami, and I think most people probably start out with Norwegian Wood, but I think this book is a cracker no matter who wrote it. The fact that it’s a translation just makes it cooler.

Learn more about The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.