Title: Termush

Author: Sven Holm

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 144

Rating: 4.5/5

This is a gem of a book that will have passed a lot of people by because it was first published in the 1960s in Danish, although it’s been knocking around in translation form for a while.

It’s a fantastic little read that’s essentially a classical piece of speculative, post-apocalyptic fiction. I particularly liked the fact that it investigated breakdowns in society and how desperate survivors would be to seek some kind of shelter.

Termush is basically a protective home for the rich and the elite who were able to book safe harbour there before the first bombs were dropped. But while the owners might have started out with the best intentions, by the end of the novel, they’re essentially running an authoritarian regime. Good stuff.

Learn more about Termush.