Tag: Ron

J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Review

Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Author: J. K. Rowling

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 640

Rating: 10/10


J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Goblet of Fire is the fourth book in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, and it’s one of my favourites in the series, for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is the fact that the clever story line features a number of twists and turns whilst simultaneously developing the overall plot for the series, a neat element which Rowling used throughout most of the Harry Potter books.

It also includes the Quidditch World Cup, which is full of evocative scenes which bring it to life in your imagination, as well as a little bit of romance and the return of He Who Must Not Be Named, although I won’t say too much about that because I don’t want to give away spoilers.

Speaking of spoilers, this book is also notable for being the first Harry Potter book to seriously deal with the death of one of its characters – I won’t say which one, but I will say that he’s one of the good guys. Rowling handled it well, and I think it acts as a sign of things that are yet to come, in the later, darker books.


J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling


Goblet of Fire also includes the Triwizard Tournament, a set of competitive games featuring three participants from the three great wizarding schools  – the titular goblet is used to decide the champions of each of the schools. Unfortunately, Harry gets drawn into the tournament despite the fact that he doesn’t want to participate, and his best friend Ron doesn’t even believe him when he explains that he didn’t want to compete in it.

As usual, Harry’s friends come through for him – Rowling has a great talent for making her characters realistic and believable, despite the magical universe that they inhabit, and I’m always amazed by the way that she uses their strengths and weaknesses to interact with the story line. A great example of this is when Neville Longbottom’s interest in herbology leads to him giving Harry some gillyweed, to help him with one of the tasks. Although this only happens in the movie – in the book, it’s Dobby who gives it to him.

I thought that the Triwizard Tournament was a great concept, and it’s almost like an echo of the Quidditch World Cup, which takes place right at the start of the story. Both of them bring the wizarding community together, and both of them push them apart – sports tend to do that. At least the Goblet of Fire, which selects the competitors for the Triwizard Tournament, has the magical equivalent of software in place to make sure that Harry, who’s under the legal age of 17, couldn’t possibly enter. Right?!


J. K. Rowling Quote On Robert Galbraith

J. K. Rowling Quote On Robert Galbraith


Overall, I’d still have to say that Goblet of Fire is one of my favourite Harry Potter novels, and it might even be my favourite. But even with that said, I wouldn’t recommend reading the books out of order – you get so much more from them if you consider them as part of a series, rather than as standalone novels. To be honest, I find the concept of reviewing individual Harry Potter books a little absurd, because you should just read the whole series. But if you were to review the books individually, then this one just has to be near to the top of the list.

So what are you waiting for? Go out and buy it for god’s sake, and then come back and leave me a comment to let me know what you thought, both of the book as a standalone and as a series as a whole. Eighteen words to go on this review – help me out here, I’m struggling. I need some more words.


J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling


Click here to buy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | Review

Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Author: J. K. Rowling

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 610

Rating: 8/10


J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


This is the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series, and it focusses on the exploits of Harry, Ron and Hermione as they attempt to locate and destroy horcruxes, which are basically artefacts that include fragments of Lord Voldemort’s soul. Whilst his essence is scattered across different artefacts, he can’t be defeated – the horcruxes must be destroyed first, and only then can there be a final showdown.

This happens at Hogwarts towards the end of the book, when all of the characters converge for a massive face off between good and evil. There are casualties on both sides, but I won’t say who survives and who doesn’t – that’s down for you to find out, when you read it.

What I will say is that this is easily Rowling’s most ‘adult‘ book – it comes at the end of the series, and the series seemed to mature over time. This is great news if, like me, you grew up with the Harry Potter series – it meant that as the series grew darker over time, you were able to appreciate that darkness.


J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling


I don’t know whether this necessarily works as a standalone – I think you could probably just about follow what was happening, but I also don’t see why you’d want to. After all, the great thing about reading a series is that you pick up on the subtle nuances that occur over time, which you don’t really get with standalones.

As always, Rowling’s characterisation is in top form here, and the interpersonal relationships between characters in particular are highlighted here to their fullest extent. In fact, we get to see them taken to their logical conclusion – in the epilogue at the end, we see how things turned out for all of the characters that we grew to know and love. Except for the ones that are dead by the end of the book.

One of the interesting things in Deathly Hallows is that very little of the action takes place at Hogwarts – Harry himself is on the run, because the country has effectively been taken over by He Who Must Not Be Named and his Death Eaters. Despite being a ‘good guy‘, Harry is living as an outlaw, because the law happens to be enforced by the bad guys.


J. K. Rowling Quote On Robert Galbraith

J. K. Rowling Quote On Robert Galbraith


Things are bleak, and Rowling paints an incredible picture of a world that’s headed towards ruin. Just when it seems like there’s no hope, something happens to pull us back up again, but only temporarily – it’s a fantastic storytelling technique, which helps to keep the reader interested throughout.

After all, it’s a relatively long read, like most of the later Harry Potter books, but it’s well worth it, especially if you’ve read the rest of the series in order. This book does a great job of wrapping things up – is it a problem that Rowling was in no real rush to do so?

In fact, the main problem with Deathly Hallows is that it ended – when it came out, I read it in a day, and then felt a sense of crushing disappointment. It had nothing to do with the story or the quality of the writing – I was just hit with the realisation that that was it, and that there would be no more Harry Potter books for me to look forward to.

Still, Rowling has a great talent for writing, and she hasn’t stayed idle – I’ve read her subsequent work, and it’s pretty good – she seems to excel in every genre.


J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling


Click here to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.