Title: Poirot’s Early Cases

Author: Agatha Christie

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 224

Rating: 7/10


Agatha Christie - Poirot's Early Cases

Agatha Christie – Poirot’s Early Cases


I’m a big fan of Poirot, the Belgian detective with the moustache and the egg-shaped head who’s Agatha Christie’s most famous creation. And in this book, we get to see some of his earliest cases, with one of them even taking place in Belgium when he was with the police. It’s a pretty good introduction to his back story, and while you don’t necessarily need to read it to get the most out of the other books, it certainly adds an extra angle.

Unfortunately, it was a little difficult to read, and I often found myself skim-reading or forgetting what was actually happening. Part of this can be attributed to the size of the print, which was tiny – I like old books like this, but it does get annoying when it’s hard to read them. It also means that it feels like you’re making slow going, which is a shame because the book was eminently readable and it was a lot of fun to go through it.

Overall then, I’d recommend it to you if you’ve already read some of the Agatha Christie books and enjoyed them, but it’s not the best place to start. There are loads of better places to begin!


Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie


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