Title: Expedition to Earth
Author: Arthur C. Clarke
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 176
Rating: 3/5
This is a collection of Arthur C. Clarke’s short stories, and while there are a few gems in the collection that are worth going out of your way for, the rest of them are so-so at the best. It’s one of those where the ideas in the stories are better than the execution.
That’s a shame, because Arthur C. Clarke is known for being one of the best science fiction writers in the game. I’ve only read a few of his other books so far, and I haven’t even made it to his most well-known works, but I still know that Clarke can do a lot better than this.
And so I’d have to say that if you’re a fan of classic science fiction, you’ll want to check out Clarke at some point, but this might not be the place to start. I’m still glad that I picked it up though, so yeah.