Title: Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 48
Rating: 4/5
Really top-tier stuff here from F. Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, you wouldn’t expect anything less, but I was still taken by surprise by its quality.
Title: Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 48
Rating: 4/5
Really top-tier stuff here from F. Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, you wouldn’t expect anything less, but I was still taken by surprise by its quality.
Title: The Seven Dials Mystery
Author: Agatha Christie
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 192
Rating: 4/5
I was taken by surprise with this one, and that’s a good thing. I’ve been getting through the last few unread Agatha Christie books on my pile and so I have a sort of automatic tendency to assume that I’ve left the worst ones until last. That was definitely not true in this case.
Weirdly, for the first time in my life, I found myself relating to the murder victim in Agatha Christie book, mainly because he was something of a spoiled young man who had a habit of sleeping in late. The core plot basically revolves around a plot that some of his friends hatch to plant a bunch of “alarum” clocks beneath his bed to wake him up nice and early.
For me, this is in the top 20% Christie books, and that’s saying something. There’s a lot of good characterisation here, a fun little mystery for you to enjoy and just overall a lot of that classic Christie goodness. You can tell she was in her prime.
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