Tag: Nice

Agatha Christie – The Seven Dials Mystery | Review

Title: The Seven Dials Mystery

Author: Agatha Christie

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 192

Rating: 4/5

I was taken by surprise with this one, and that’s a good thing. I’ve been getting through the last few unread Agatha Christie books on my pile and so I have a sort of automatic tendency to assume that I’ve left the worst ones until last. That was definitely not true in this case.

Weirdly, for the first time in my life, I found myself relating to the murder victim in Agatha Christie book, mainly because he was something of a spoiled young man who had a habit of sleeping in late. The core plot basically revolves around a plot that some of his friends hatch to plant a bunch of “alarumclocks beneath his bed to wake him up nice and early.

For me, this is in the top 20% Christie books, and that’s saying something. There’s a lot of good characterisation here, a fun little mystery for you to enjoy and just overall a lot of that classic Christie goodness. You can tell she was in her prime.

Learn more about The Seven Dials Mystery.

William Shakespeare – The Merry Wives of Windsor | Review

Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Author: William Shakespeare

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 102

Rating: 4.25/5

I enjoyed this one quite a lot! I think it’s because it’s one of Shakespeare’s comedies and so it was nice and light, an easy read. The language was simple enough to follow which meant that the plot was also easy to follow, and some of the little one-liners in this are still genuinely funny. I’d love to see a full performance of it.

It’s not my favourite of Shakespeare’s plays, but it’s certainly up there. Read it!

Learn more about The Merry Wives of Windsor.