Title: The Pearl and Burning Bright
Author: John Steinbeck
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 160
Rating: 3.75/5
This isn’t the best Steinbeck that I’ve read, but then it’s up against Of Mice and Men and a couple of his short stories, so that’s hardly surprising. That doesn’t make it any less of a worthwhile read though, and I’m happy to have been able to add this one to my list of completed books.
The Pearl reminded me of The Old Man and the Sea, although that’s not necessarily a good thing because I didn’t particularly like that. Luckily, I thought that The Pearl was a lot better, mainly because it looked at the gritty subject of the way that people take advantage of people as opposed to having a more philosophical bent.
Burning Bright was great too, but I have a self-imposed word count to stick to, so I’ll leave you hanging. Sorry.