Title: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Author: William Shakespeare
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 194
Rating: 3/5
This wasn’t my favourite of Shakespeare’s plays, but perhaps that’s because it’s a comedy instead of a tragedy. It just wasn’t particularly funny, probably because tastes have changed over the last several hundred years, and I’ve always preferred stuff with a bleak ending.
Still, it was nice to get to meet well-known characters like Puck and to see which parts have been absorbed into popular culture or parodied on television shows. I also found it super interesting to read all of the notes, although I waited until the end to do that. I learned a few things that I can put to use elsewhere.
But I’ve rated this on the play itself rather than on the notes, and it was a little bit of a disappointment for me after Othello, which had its flaws but which entertained me more. If I were to go and see a Shakespeare play, I wouldn’t pick A Midsummer Night’s Dream. But if I got a chance to go for free, I’d jump at the chance.