Title: Nova Express
Author: William Burroughs
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 160
Rating: 9/10
I’m a big fan of Burroughs, even if I can’t always tell what he’s talking about. His quirky writing style and his unusual approach to plot and narrative make for a great read whichever book you pick up, but Nova Express was one of the more pleasurable ones – I pretty much whizzed through it, which is rare for a book that you have to concentrate on.
Expect to see all sorts of crazy stuff, like orgone accumulators, weird space shit and unusual approaches to recording and reworking audio to affect real change in the physical world. If it’s a little difficult to understand what I’m talking about in the review, then just wait until you read the book. But you should read it – it’s awesome, a lot of fun, and a breeze to get through. That’s why I gave it a 9/10!