Title: Ask an Astronaut

Author: Tim Peake

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 252

Rating: 3.5/5

This book is both weird and interesting, and I’ll tell you for why. It has a lot of cool stuff about space in it, but it’s also just a list of questions and answers.

Because of that, even though I felt as though I learned a lot about space and the International Space Station, it also felt as though I was reading a bunch of Quora posts. Tim Peake knows his stuff, and the book was pretty well edited so that at least the questions flowed from one to the next, but it was still, y’know. Perhaps not as engaging as it could have been.

But then, Peake isn’t a writer. This is technically his second book, but the first one was just a bunch of photos and this one is just a list of questions with their answers. It was interesting to learn those responses, of course, but I feel as though there would have been better ways for the information to have been presented.

Anyway, this is the kind of book that’s worth reading if you can pick it up cheap from a charity shop, like I did. I can’t imagine wanting to pay full price for it though, and even with it going cheap, it was just okay. I’m not sure if there’s an audio book version of it but that might be a bit better.

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