Title: Villainous Victorians

Author: Terry Deary

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 144

Rating: 4/5


Terry Deary - Villainous Victorians

Terry Deary – Villainous Victorians


Highlights from this Horrible Histories book included some stuff on urchins and chimney sweeps and a bunch of references to famous Victorian authors, from Charles Dickens to George Elliot. Of course, it still suffered a little from the same problems that the rest of the books have, such as the fact that the quizzes force you to keep stopping and turning the book upside down to read the answers, but it is what it is.

Ultimately, you know what you’re getting with Horrible Histories, and there’s a reason why I kept on reading my way through the box set. Now that I’ve reached the end, I feel like this particular book was the perfect one for me to end on. The Victorians were fascinating, man.


Terry Deary

Terry Deary


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