Title: Tangerine Sky
Author: Terence Portelli
Type: Poetry
Page Count/Review Word Count: 178
Rating: 3.5*/5
I picked this up for free at London Book Fair from the Malta stand. It’s basically a collection of translated poetry from some of Malta’s leading poets, and it’s most certainly worth reading if you can grab a copy of it. It’s easily on a par with some of the English–language poetry that’s out there and I also found it interesting to get to know more about Malta through some of its poets. After all, I’ve visited the place but I didn’t get to know anything about the literature scene.
The only thing that I would say is that there was nothing here that totally blew my mind, and so while it is a pretty good collection of poetry, there are a lot of pretty good poetry collections out there. I think my favourite poet here was Victor Fenech, who wrote sort of longer form prose poems. But will I read more of his work? I have no idea.