Title: Silk Over Razorblades

Author: Ileandra Young

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 228

Rating: 8/10


Ileandra Young - Silk Over Razorblades

Ileandra Young – Silk Over Razorblades


Disclaimer: While I aim to be unbiased, I received a copy of this book for free for review purposes.

When I first picked this book up, I wasn’t sure what to expect – the cover design is fairly ambiguous and I’m not much of a fan of it, and I was worried that it might not be very good. I’ve spoken to Ileandra here and there and she’s lovely, and so I was worried that I might have to post a negative review.

Luckily, the book turned out to be kick-ass – a rollicking vampire story that keeps you guessing throughout, with plenty of twists and turns. You also get to see how Young’s vampires became what they are, and a decent chunk of the book is set in Ancient Egypt, which I’m a lover of. Saar, the lead vampire, is an awesome character, and I’m glad that he’ll be back again in the next book of the series.

It can also be pretty brutal, too – there are plenty of deaths involved, and they’re satisfactorily gory at times. These ain’t sparkly vampires – these are killers, and you’d better remember that if they come to get you. You’re not going to be able to turn them into sand too easily.


Ileandra Young

Ileandra Young


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