Title: Latvia: 100 Snapshot Stories

Author: The Latvian Institute

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 128

Rating: 4.5*/5


The Latvian Institute - Latvia: 100 Snapshot Stories

The Latvian Institute – Latvia: 100 Snapshot Stories


I can’t really give this a five because it’s not really a book. Well I mean, it is, it’s just not available on general sale. I was given my copy of this book when I visited Riga to help to promote Latvian Literature ahead of their presence at London Book Fair, and it was the perfect introduction to the country and its history and folklore.

Honestly, while it’s “Not for Sale”, it should be. It’s exactly what you’d expect, a collection of 100 short (100 words) stories that share the history of Latvia and its people. It’s well-written, meticulously researched and a stunning artifact in its own right.


The Latvian Institute

The Latvian Institute


Click here to buy Latvia: 100 Snapshot Stories.