Title: The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard

Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 188

Rating: 3.75/5

This was quite a fun little short story collection, some historical fiction from the creator of Sherlock Holmes that covers the Napoleonic Wars and follows a Frenchman. That was interesting in and of itself because I’m trying to learn French and so it was cool to get this extra little insight into French history and culture.

It was a little slow at times and Gerard was full of himself and ridiculously overconfident. Still, the stories were well-conceived and pretty interesting, and it was cool to see Napoleon as a character and to spend time thinking about the way that he was depicted.

I don’t think that this book would be for everyone, but if it sounds like the kind of thing that you might be interested in, it’s definitely worth checking it out. I’ve had this on my TBR list for ages and I’m glad that I finally got to it. I love reading Conan Doyle, man, he’s great.

Click here to learn more about The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard.