Title: Speedy in Oz

Author: Ruth Plumly Thompson

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 246

Rating: 3.5/5                                                      

Here we have more of the same old same old. I mean, we’re at the 28th book in the Oz series by this point, and so what can I say that I haven’t said before in one of the previous 27 reviews?

I suppose that what I can say is that I loved the archaeological angle on this story, as well as the fact that one of our characters is essentially a dinosaur that’s been somehow resurrected through the power of a geyser like the one I saw when I went to Iceland. Speedy is here too, and his uncle is there at the beginning. The uncle could well have been my favourite character of the lot.

The plot plods along as they usually do in the Oz books, and while there’s nothing particularly groundbreaking, it’s an engaging enough read with plenty of cool stuff for both kids and adults. The puns are on top form and there are a ton of cracking characters for you to enjoy.

You wouldn’t want to read the Oz books out of order if you can avoid it, but if you do then this would actually be a decent one to dip into. It’s kind of the archetypal later Oz book, a shining example of what the series can be like when it’s handled well. So yeah!

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