Title: Kirk Sandblaster Faces Tetrageddon!
Author: Oli Jacobs
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 160
Rating: 4/5
Oli Jacobs is an indie author friend of mine, and he gave me a bunch of his Sandblaster books when I went over to his house for a party. The first one that I picked up had a fair few grammatical mistakes, mostly down to apostrophes, but they’ve been ironed out by now and by this point, the series is really coming along.
In this one, space adventurer Kirk Sandblaster discovers that his bank account has been frozen and so he goes to the bank’s head office, which is pretty much a Death Star style space station. There’s an unpredictable AI, bots and drones and a whole heap of humour, so if you’re a fan of either Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett and you like sci-fi then you should give this a read. Support indies!