Title: Kirk Sandblaster and the Ice Pirates of Llurr
Author: Oli Jacobs
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 146
Rating: 3.75/5

This is the second book in Jacobs’ Kirk Sandblaster series, but it’s the first one that I’ve actually read. I was at his house for a Hallowe’en party when he gifted me with three of the books in the series and so I thought I’d finally pick them up, especially because I’m reading them for my indie readalong on YouTube.
What we have here is basically a science fiction adventure caper with a lot of humour to it, somewhat reminiscent of Douglas Adams. But Jacobs has a style of his own, and Kirk Sandblaster is a fantastic character and an excellent parody of the kinds of books that this is inspired by. Definitely worth reading.

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