Title: Filmic Cuts II: Luchador Monkey Crisis

Author: Oli Jacobs

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 152

Rating 3.5/5



I think I went into this one with my hopes artificially high because of how good Filmic Cuts I was (it made my top books of the quarter). In that collection, every story was a hit for me, whereas in this one there were a couple of misses. But that’s normal for a collection of short stories.

What I did like was the way that this one built on the first collection by continuing to play with styles and to experiment with genres. Jacobs mixed some things together that I’d never even thought of, and for the most part, I thought they worked pretty well. So while this wasn’t quite as good as the first Filmic Cuts book, it was still pretty good.



Click here to buy Filmic Cuts II: Luchador Monkey Crisis.