Title: Eating

Author: Nigella Lawson

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 136

Rating: 3/5



This would definitely be your cup of tea if you’re an omnivore or a carnivore, but seeing as I’m a herbivore (I’m vegan, not a dinosaur), there wasn’t much for me here. It was very well written and you could tell that Lawson is passionate about food (as if there was any doubt), but I couldn’t use any of the recipes. There were maybe two that I could veganise, but even then.

What’s cool though is that the book is called Eating rather than Cooking for a reason. While it does include recipes, it’s more like an overall approach to eating and I could agree with that, even if I don’t agree with her dietary choices. Yep.


Click here to buy Eating.