Title: And the Ass Saw the Angel
Author: Nick Cave
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 280
Rating: 4.5/5
I’ve had this book on my shelves for six months or so now, but I’d heard it can be difficult and so I’d been putting it off for some reason. Then a friend told me it was her favourite book and as I happened to have it sitting on my shelves, I picked it up. And it was awesome.
If I had to describe the genre, I’d call it a sort of post-apocalyptic surrealistic western with a little literary fiction thrown in. It reminded me of everything from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series to Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but it also had a kind of voice of its own that really helped to draw me into the story.
That’s a good thing, because the narrative is often difficult to follow and the dialect of the characters can be a challenge to decipher. For me, I just let it all wash over me and then sort of sat back and enjoyed the different snapshots of Cave’s unusual world as they came. I think with books like this, that’s the only way to read them, although I also think this is the kind of book that you could re-read and re-read and find something new every time.
As for my rating, it was a pretty solid 4/5 throughout until right at the very end, and specifically the epilogue. It was the perfect way for the book to finish and I also didn’t call it, so it hit me like a punch in the gut.