Title: Even the Stars Look Lonesome

Author: Maya Angelou

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 154

Rating: 4/5

Maya Angelou is a cracking author who has a lot going for her, and her memoirs are arguably even more poignant and culturally important than her poetry. That’s not to say that they’re easy to read, though.

Even the Stars Look Lonesome is almost a hybrid, because while it does have shades of memoir, it’s also kind of like an essay collection in that it doesn’t really follow a linear narrative. Instead, she dips in and out of subjects with an ease that I wish I had myself.

The result is that it feels like you’re sitting beside her somewhere in the sunshine, listening to her chat about some of the standout moments in her life. And when you finish, you’ll feel as lonesome as the stars look.

Learn more about Even the Stars Look Lonesome.