Title: Rendezvous in Russia
Author: Lauren St. John
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 186
Rating: 3.75/5
I’ve been picking up Lauren St. John’s books as and when I see them for a little while now, and for quite a sentimental reason. She was the first author I ever interviewed for my book blog, SocialBookshelves.com, and while she approached me, I started spotting her books in charity shops and so I thought I’d give them a go.
This particular book is a sequel to Dead Man’s Cove, and it’s an entry in the Laura Marlin series of middle grade mystery novels. One of the things that I particularly liked was that this, like her other books, is very conscious of the importance of nature, as well as the way that our planet works. I think that’s a great thing to have, and I love that it comes across just in the way she writes.
Overall then, this was a pretty good read even as an adult, although it’s worth reading the first book before you get to this. Go knock yourself out!