Title: Glinda of Oz
Author: L. Frank Baum
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 164
Rating: 3.5/5
This is the last of the original Wizard of Oz books, as L. Frank Baum died after writing this one and before he could get another one out. The good news is that the series was continued long after his death by a series of other writers, so if you’re not ready to say goodbye to Dorothy and Friends then you’re in luck.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about this one is that while the story itself might not have been the best out of all of the Oz books, it did have some of the best life advice for young readers. That’s kind of fitting because of the fact that it’s the last of the books that Baum wrote in the series. It’s as though it’s his swan song featuring his last bits of wisdom that he wants to remember.