Title: Cat’s Cradle
Author: Kurt Vonnegut
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 216
Rating: 4/5
This book was a pleasure to read, especially because I’ve had it for a while and been putting it off for some reason, only to discover that it’s excellent and a breeze to read. I think partly it’s because I’ve found Vonnegut to just be so so, so far at least. This was easily the best of the four or so books that I’ve read.
It’s hard to say exactly what it’s about, but the general gist is that we’re following the biography of a man who worked on the atom bomb, and Vonnegut basically uses that as a mechanism to deliver some quite frankly devastating lines of dialogue and to ask the reader a bunch of questions about morality.
So I’d say that you can read this in two different ways. You can take it at surface level and just enjoy the humour in some of the lines, or you can dig a lot deeper and start to think about what it says about the end of the world. That makes it pretty relevant in today’s day and age.
Would I recommend it? Hell yeah. It’s the best Vonnegut I’ve come across so far. It’s also easy.