Title: Locke and Key Volume V: Clockworks

Author: Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 160

Rating 3.5/5



This is probably my least favourite of the Locke and Key books so far, not because it’s bad or anything but because it focuses so heavily on the back story that it feels as though not much is happening. Indeed, the authors basically used this volume to set up the final volume in the series, which made it feel more like filler than anything else.

With that said, I still love Rodriguez’s artwork and Joe Hill is a cracking writer no matter what he’s working on, so it was still worth reading. It just didn’t quite live up to the high standards that they’d established with previous entries in the series. On the plus side, I’m looking forward to the last one and seeing how it comes together.


Click here to buy Locke and Key Volume V: Clockworks.