Title: The Employee Experience Advantage

Author: Jacob Morgan

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 284

Rating: 3.5/5


Jacob Morgan - The Employee Experience Advantage

Jacob Morgan – The Employee Experience Advantage


This is another one of the business books that I’ve picked up of late because of a client who’s paying me to write summaries of them, and it seems as though my client has pretty good taste. There’s plenty of stuff here that you can take away with you, and even though I’m self-employed as opposed to a business owner, it did change my way of looking at the relationship between employer and employee.

Ultimately, the main thing that I took away from this book is that you just have to be good to your employees by default. It’s no good launching half-hearted employee of the month campaigns where someone wins an Amazon gift card. People quickly see through stuff like that, and so the only real way to show people that you appreciate them is to actually appreciate them.

This book also stands out somewhat because of the quality of its bonus resources. You can follow links that are shared inside the book to take quizzes or to access additional information, and it even includes a full test that you can take to see how you stack up against other companies. As for the actual content of the book, there’s plenty of stuff in there that will keep you going if you run a company and you’re trying to make it better, but it’s more about a mindset.

It’s difficult to get right, and one of the reasons why I don’t run a company myself is that I don’t know if I could do it myself. Still worth reading, though.


Jacob Morgan

Jacob Morgan


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