Title: Asimov’s Mysteries
Author: Isaac Asimov
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 256
Rating: 3.5/5
This book is a bit of a weird one, really, because it’s a short story collection that brings together these sort of science fiction mystery stories. I’ve actually read one or two of them before, including one that’s just a couple of pages long and which was basically written entirely for the sake of a pun. But that’s Asimov, for you.
I enjoyed reading this one a lot, but mainly because I dipped in and out of it and read a story here and a story there instead of overloading myself. But that’s one of the beauties of short story collections in general. What I will say is that here, Asimov proves once again that he’s a master of the written word and that he’s just as good with short stories as he is with novels and non-fiction.
One of the best things about this collection is that Asimov also wrote introductory essays for each piece which give them a little bit of extra context. I think that actually boosted my enjoyment of it as a whole, although you might want to skip them until after you’ve read each story. There weren’t any spoilers as such, but I do think that it might have been cool to read them without the context and then to piece it together afterwards.
All in all though, I was pretty happy with this and would recommend it. Why not?