Title: A Whiff of Death

Author: Isaac Asimov

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 160

Rating 4.25/5



I knew that Isaac Asimov has written books in nine of the ten Dewey Decimal categories, but I was still surprised to find that this was a mystery. I’ll be honest, I pretty much buy every Asimov book I spot going second hand in charity shops, and so I grabbed this without even bothering to see what it was about.

But it turns out that Asimov was a pretty skilled mystery writer, and even though I’m not particularly familiar with the academic setting in which this was set and the world of professors and tenure, it was easy enough to wrap my head around it. The characters were great too – super believable and with a range of potential motivations for committing murder. I couldn’t figure out who did it, but I still enjoyed it. Yeah.



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