Title: William Shakespeare’s Star Wars
Author: Ian Doescher
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 178
Rating 4.5/5
I fully expected this book to just be a gimmick, a fun little read but something that you’d buy for your dad for Christmas. It turned out to be a bit more than that, though.
It’s clear that Doescher is a big fan of both Shakespeare and Star Wars, and it was kind of fascinating to see some of the different ways in which he managed to couple the two of them together. It’s a testament to his ability as a writer that it consistently felt as though I was reading a genuine Shakespeare play while simultaneously constantly being able to tie what I was reading back to the movie.
All in all then, I was super happy with this one, and now that I’ve read it I want to read the plays based on the rest of the Star Wars trilogy. And maybe the play based on Back to the Future, too.