Title: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers

Author: Grant Naylor

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 298

Rating: 7/10


Grant Naylor - Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers

Grant Naylor – Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers


Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers is one of several novelisations of the cult sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf, created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. The writers of the show are also the writers of the novel, hence the pseudonym that they choose to adopt – sadly, they had a big fallout and that signalled the end of the novels, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not a joy to read.

But this one is certainly the weakest of them, although it is a great way to find out more about Lister’s back story. The problem is that I find his back story to be less interesting than the adventures that he got up to after he ended up marooned on one of Saturn’s moons with no way of getting back home.

If you’re a fan of the TV show then you should definitely take a look at the books, but I’d read Better Than Life and Backwards first, in that order. There’s no reason why you can’t work your way through all of the books in the series, but it doesn’t really matter whether you read them in the right order or not.

Put simply, if you’re a fan of the writersquirky sense of humour then you’re going to be a fan of this book, too. It’s exactly what you might expect from a novel by these two, so if you decide to pick it up then you know what to expect. It’s good for a laugh, but it shouldn’t be taken too seriously as a piece of science fiction writing. They’re not in the same league as Isaac Asimov, or other writers of his ilk.


Grant Naylor

Grant Naylor


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