Title: Collected Essays

Author: Graham Greene

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 352

Rating: 3.5*/5


Graham Greene - Collected Essays

Graham Greene – Collected Essays


There’s only so much I can really say about this because this is literally a collection of Graham Greene’s essays on a variety of topics. Some of them are pretty dull and difficult for me, as a modern reader, to really understand the context. Others of them are super insightful, particularly the essays in the section where he deals with his thoughts on other well-known authors.

I can’t really recommend this if you’re not a Graham Greene fan, because part of the beauty of this is that it teaches the reader a little more about what his life was like and how the world around him related back to the books that he wrote. But if you are a Graham Greene fan then the chances are that you’ll get a lot out of this, even if it is pretty heavy going.

I read this as my “bedtime book” after reading Graham Greene’s letters, and I must say that the essays make for better reading. The letters were pretty much introduced as fragments without any real context, which made it difficult for me as a modern reader to understand what he was talking about. There’s no such problem here, which made the book much more enjoyable.

All in all, you should have a good idea already as to whether this is something that you might be interested in. I’m glad I got to it.


Graham Greene

Graham Greene


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