Title: The Crack-Up with Other Pieces and Stories

Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Type: Fiction/Non-Fiction

Page Count: 160

Rating: 3.75/5

This one’s super cool because, as you can pretty much tell from the title, this little collection really has a bit of everything in it. It starts off with some essays and additional context and then from there it builds up with a couple of short stories.

One of those stories was Babylon Revisited, which I happen to have already read because it was the title story in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Penguin Mini Modern Classics edition, and so I didn’t bother with a re-read even though it was pretty good.

As for the rest of it, it was marvellous, although I did particularly like the non-fiction stuff that it kicked off with. It’s probably not the best Fitzgerald book to start with (The Great Gatsby, anyone?), but still worth picking up.

Learn more about The Crack-Up with Other Pieces and Stories.