Title: This is Not a Drill

Author: Extinction Rebellion

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count: 208

Rating: 3.75/5

I’m not sure how exactly I feel about this one because I was kind of expecting more from it. Sure, there’s some great stuff in here on the subject of climate change, but there’s also a bunch of stuff that honestly didn’t really feel too relevant.

There’s also the fact that it took me about three days to read this, which was about a day longer than I was expecting. It was kind of weird because there were a ton of illustrations and pictures and stuff, but I just sort of bogged down in it all. Because of that, I worry that maybe it’s not the best introduction to people who want to get started with environmental activism, although it’s not like I can point you anywhere else, either.

All in all, I’d recommend this one if you care about the planet and want to learn a little more about what’s going on, but be warned that you’re also in for a lot of stuff about shutting down bridges and catering for large groups of people. That stuff wasn’t quite so relevant to me.

Learn more about This is Not a Drill.