Title: iPad for Dummies
Author: Edward C. Baig and Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 338
Rating: 5/10
iPad for Dummies falls in to the trap of a lot of the Dummies books – it takes a simple subject and makes it even simpler, to the point where you start to feel like you’re wasting your time by reading it. The concept is simple enough, and I’m not surprised that an iPad book has been released, but I was hoping for more practical tricks for the seasoned iPad user.
I was disappointed. Sure, it’s a good idea for novices and the elderly, but even your great-grandmother would quickly get bored of reading and decide to figure out the basics on her own. With the iPad, Apple proved that their ‘keep it simple’ philosophy is as popular one – new iOS users quickly learn the ins and outs of the system, and a decent percentage of them go on to become devout Apple consumers for years to come.
That said, there are a few little gems here, if you dig deep enough. While power-users won’t learn much that they didn’t know already, novice and first-time users have a lot to learn. Most of it isn’t exactly revolutionary though – if it was, you’d probably already know about it. No, you’ll just learn how to streamline your experience, to make the most of your time with your device.
Really, it depends upon what kind of person you are – if you’re naturally inquisitive, you’re better off not reading this and figuring out how to do things for yourself whenever you need to do them. That’s the category that I fall under. Otherwise, if you’re the kind of person who always reads the instruction manual, it’s worth a read to familiarise yourself with your device if nothing else. Somehow I fall under this category too – that’s why I read it.
The question is, do you want to read it? I can’t tell you how to feel.