Title: Creative Mischief
Author: Dave Trott
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count: 196
Rating: 4.5/5
I’ve read my fair share of Dave Trott’s stuff in the past and so I pretty much knew what I was getting myself into here, although I will say that I was pleasantly surprised that I still enjoyed it as much as I did, considering his stuff can start to feel repetitive after a while.
The idea here is all about using your creativity to approach life a little differently. Trott gives a great example of this by telling us the story of a practical joke he played on a colleague, who’d been afraid of The Exorcist and so had gone to the end of Brighton Pier and tossed it into the water. Trott went to the bookshop and bought another copy, ran it under the tap and then left it in the guy’s drawer for him to find.
If anything, I’d have to say that this is pretty much the quintessential Dave Trott book, and so it’s probably the best place to start. Really, everyone should read him at least once, whether they’re in advertising or not.