Title: Likeable Social Media
Author: Dave Kerpen
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 262
Rating: 9/10
Likeable Social Media is one of the finest books on social media marketing that I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a lot of them – I came across this one towards the start of my career, and it’s practical enough that I was able to apply a lot of what I learned to my clients. In fact, I still do it every day.
One of the coolest concepts that Dave covers, and they are concepts rather than direct lessons in how to use social platforms (because that would quickly go out of date), is the concept of nano-targetting. When you’re running a set of social advertisements, you usually aim to hit a fairly wide, but still targetted, audience – Dave suggests trying the opposite, trying to be so specific with your adverts that you hit a super-targeted audience.
In this instance, he talks about how he ran messages via advertisements to his wife, targeting her by her age, location, employer and interests, and he’s also talked about how people now use the same technique to specifically target him, asking for a job. It’s certainly one of the coolest uses of social advertising that I’ve come across.
Overall, this book is of a high standard and its concepts and contents have aged well – whether you’re new to social media marketing or whether you’re already a veteran, it’s definitely worth your time. Dave’s written some other fantastic books for you to look at afterwards, too!