Title: Make Serious Money on eBay, Amazon and Beyond

Author: Dan Wilson

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 239

Rating: 9/10


Dan Wilson - Make Serious Money on eBay, Amazon and Beyond

Dan Wilson – Make Serious Money on eBay, Amazon and Beyond


Disclaimer: While I aim to be unbiased, I received a copy of this for free to review.

Well, I wasn’t expecting this – Wilson’s book is genuinely a gold-mine of useful information that can be applied across industries to help businesses of all sizes to make more money online. Most of the book is dedicated specifically to eBay, but it also covers selling on Amazon, through several other specialist stores such as Etsy and through your own purpose built e-commerce website.

And there’s loads of stuff I didn’t know you could do on eBay alone, from using power tools to list your items more smoothly to optimising each and every one of your items to get the most clicks, the most bids and the most money. Wilson even looks at the day-to-day aspects of running such a business, from the listing and postage of the items to the accountancy and the sourcing of stock that’s vital for any business to succeed.

Sure, there were a few typos and spelling mistakes here and there, but there was nothing major and the book apparently underwent a huge overhaul as it entered its third edition – the author insists on accuracy and relevance, and co-writes a blog with continuous updates. Good work, Dan!


Dan Wilson

Dan Wilson


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