Title: Our Doris
Author: Charles Heathcote
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 188
Rating: 4.5*/5
I watch Charlie on YouTube, where he talks about the books he reads and the writing process. I do something much the same myself. I first started to get hooked on his content through his woolgathering monologues, where he sits in his car and talks about life.
If you find those videos entertaining, you’re going to love this. Our Doris is a beautifully put together indie release that nails everything from the cover and the layout to the contents inside of it. It has a very northern British sense of humour and reminds me of what Douglas Adams would sound like if he was from Wigan.
It’s a lot of fun, and probably the best indie book I’ve read this year so far. It’s also likely to make it into my top ten books of the quarter. I think you’re either going to love this one or just not going to get the humour, there’s no real middle ground. But it’s definitely worth a shot and I loved it.