Title: Student’s Go Vegan Cookbook

Author: Carole Raymond

Type: Non-Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 226

Rating: 3/5



I picked this book up for 50p or so in a charity shop and so I wasn’t particularly expecting great things. Still, I was expecting to get a few more recipes out of this, and while maybe the nutritional stuff was pretty good, I wouldn’t really know because I didn’t read it. Honestly, I had no need to.

But the recipes that I did get from this were pretty good, even if there were only a half dozen or so that I ended up keeping. You also have to remember that this is designed as an introduction to new vegans as opposed even for people like myself, who have been vegan for a year or so before getting to it.

All in all then, I wouldn’t recommend this one unless you can pick it up cheap, in which case why not? But to be honest, there’s nothing here that you can’t find elsewhere, or even just by looking for vegan recipes online. I actually found that there were recipes for stuff that I made myself and that my own versions of them were better. And yet despite that, if you’ll forgive the pun, it still gave me food for thought. Yup.



Click here to buy Student’s Go Vegan Cookbook.