Title: 105 Artists’ Hands
Author: Cally Trench
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 172
Rating: 3.5/5
This book is an interesting tabletop art book that came about as the result of a two year project by Trench to photograph artists’ hands out in the wild. Some are musicians, some are graffiti artists, some are potters and the rest cover pretty much everything in between.
I went to a book launch event for this at Wycombe Arts Centre and I was sufficiently impressed by the talk that Trench gave to want to grab a copy. It was pretty expensive, but then it was part of a limited run and it cost the same as Mark Page’s High Wycombe and its People Through My Eyes.
And besides, I don’t mind paying a premium for inspiration, and this book was full of the stuff. I wasn’t sure at first about the way that it included some extra written pieces about hands, but I was converted by the end. Cool.