Title: The Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night

Author: Arthur C. Clarke

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 192

Rating: 3.5/5

This book contains two of Arthur C. Clarke’s novellas, so let’s take the two of them in order.

First up, we have The Lion of Comarre, which is a stunning little story about an advanced civilisation and its rediscovery, along with what happens when an explorer finds his way inside. There are a few little twists along the way, and there’s a little something that wants to stop the secrets of the civilisation from ever being discovered.

Against the Fall of Night is basically an earlier version of The City and the Stars, but it’s been so long since I’ve read it that it was hard for me to look at any parallels. Still, I enjoyed it in its own right, although I was more of a fan of The Lion of Comarre.

All in all though, I was pretty happy with this read, and it’s definitely one that I’d recommend to science fiction readers.

Learn more about The Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night.