Title: Interview with the Vampire
Author: Anne Rice
Type: Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 368
Rating: 3.75/5
I’ve known about this book for a while, but for one reason or another I never got round to reading it. Then I saw a copy of it lying around in a charity shop and it seemed like a good time to pick it up. And then I found a bunch of friends on BookTube who wanted to buddy read it with me. Bonus.
The good news is that I did *like* this book, it just didn’t blow my mind as much as I thought it would. My favourite part of it was actually examining the way that Rice used vampire lore and relating it back to other vampire books. Lestat is a great character too, and the way that it’s basically an oral history of Lestat reminded me of Rant by Chuck Palahniuk, But that’s a good thing, because I liked that book.
Rice is a good writer and she did a great job here, but I don’t necessarily think that it was for me. I was expecting to like it more than I did, but I did find it atmospheric and there were a couple of plot points that really worked for me. I just don’t want to tell you what they are because I don’t want to spoil them for you. I was also quite impressed at the way that she built tension through the way that the interview progressed, when it would be easy for it to lose some of its impact because we’re hearing about things that happened instead of witnessing them first hand.
All in all though, this was decent enough and I’m glad that I read it, I’m just not sure whether I’ll read more in the series unless I spot the books going cheap. There’s also a movie based on it, and I think I remember my dad watching it when I was a kid, although I was too young to watch it with him. It’s my understanding that it’s a cult classic and so I might just have to see if it’s on Netflix or something.