Title: Illuminated Poems
Author: Allen Ginsberg and Eric Drooker
Category: Poetry
Page Count: 144
Rating: 4/5
They called this one Illuminated Poems because I guess calling it Illustrated Poems would have been too obvious. That’s what it is though, and the illustrations come to us from Eric Drooker.
All of these poems have been published elsewhere and so there’s not much for me to say about that, and so I’ll focus on the illustrations instead. They were excellent, and they really brought Ginsberg’s words to life. They captured a lot of the darkness that he wrote about, but there was also some hope to them. And let’s be honest, I just liked the artist’s style. I’d happily have his work up on my walls.
Because it has Howl, it’s also a pretty accessible introduction to Ginsberg’s stuff. So yeah!