Title: Mortal Coils
Author: Aldous Huxley
Type: Fiction
Page Count: 144
Rating: 3.75/5
This little Penguin is a collection of five of Aldous Huxley’s short stories, and that made it a fascinating read for me because I’ve only ever read his iconic non-fiction before. It turns out that he’s just as good at writing fiction as he is as writing non-fiction.
What’s interesting here is that it’s not just short stories. In fact, the second piece in here is a short play, and I actually think that was my favourite of the lot. But honestly, all of the pieces here were worth reading, and I have to say I’m excited to read more of Huxley’s work, especially if it comes in these stunning Penguin editions.
This is definitely one I’d recommend, partly because it’s so easy to get through.