Title: Three Blind Mice and Other Stories

Author: Agatha Christie

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 216

Rating: 4/5

This book pretty much just gave me feelings of déjà vu because I’m pretty sure that I’ve already read all of the stories in this before. That’s probably because I’ve added every Agatha Christie book to my wish list and there’s some overlap here and there when different editions were published in the United States and in America.

Fortunately, I do at least like all of the stories that were collected here, and in fact it’s not a bad little place to start if you’re new to Christie and you want to experience some more of what she has to offer. Plus there’s the advantage of this collection featuring stories about both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

All in all then, it’s not a bad little collection and I’m glad that I read it, even though I’m convinced I’d read every single one of these already. What can I say? Christie is always great, even when you’re re-reading her and you know who did it and why. So yeah, I would of course recommend it, so track down a copy of it if you can. You won’t regret doing it!

Learn more about Three Blind Mice and Other Stories.