Title: Poirot Investigates

Author: Agatha Christie

Type: Fiction

Page Count: 218

Rating: 4.25/5

I’ve always found that Agatha Christie is at her best when she’s writing short stories, and it was no different here. This little collection is a breeze to get through (it took me about half an hour or so), and it pulls together a fun little collection of cases.

It might not be Poirot at his most serious, and indeed I noticed here that he was speaking a lot of French, even more so than normal. That made him feel almost like a caricature of himself, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Plus we have the fact that the different cases on offer here means that we see a wide variety of different sides of him. That makes it more interesting, to me at least, than a regular Poirot novel, which is probably a good thing because I’ve always been more of a fan of Miss Marple.

Overall though, I’d definitely recommend this, and to be honest it’s not a bad place to start if you’ve never read Poirot before. It’s a good little cross section and a fun little collection, and just what the doctor ordered when I read it. Get yourself a copy if you can, somehow!

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