Title: Star Over Bethlehem

Author: Agatha Christie Mallowan

Type: Fiction/Poetry

Page Count: 208

Rating: 3.5/5

Okay, so this book was essentially all about religion, and seeing as I’m not a Christian, that meant that I didn’t really care too much about the stories that were told here. The second half of the book is also literally just Poems, her poetry collection, and I’ve read that before.

Still, as a general rule, I’d still recommend this one to people who want to learn a little bit more about Agatha Christie, and I can also see why it’s published under her third surname (Christie was her second, but she later remarried).

So I’d probably recommend this one, even with the caveat that it’s definitely not for everyone. I think it’s mostly going to be of interest to her long-term fans, but I’m one of those so I enjoyed it.

Learn more about Star Over Bethlehem.