Title: A Mother’s A Daughter
Author: Agatha Christie
Category: Fiction
Page Count: 268
Rating: 3.5/5
This is one of the books that Agatha Christie wrote and released under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott, and these books are marked out by the fact that they’re more romance than crime, although I’m not sure that’s really a fair thing to say, especially with this one.
It’s more like contemporary fiction, but the difference is that this was contemporary fiction from eighty years ago, and that gives it a certain amount of historical interest too. In fact, that’s kind of the reason why I like reading Christie so much in the first place. There’s some great stuff about societal standards in there and the difference between men and women.
The core of the story itself revolves around the relationship between a mother and her daughter. The daughter’s a little bit overly attached, and she doesn’t like the idea of her mother marrying someone new, which is a bit of a shame because someone new just happens to have entered the scene.
Cue all sorts of arguments between mother, daughter and groom-to-be. Normally, this wouldn’t be my kind of thing, but Christie writes it so well that it’s a pleasure to read, even if all of the characters themselves are insufferable. It was hard for me to get too engrossed because I hoped they’d all come to a sticky end, but that seemed unlikely to happen considering that this book isn’t really about murder.
Overall, it’s worth reading as a Christie fan. Otherwise? Eh, I guess.